5800 Denton Hwy., Fort Worth, TX 76148 817-281-5106 817-281-1076 info@fbchc.org

Philosophy & Purpose

We believe that children are given to parents by God (Psalm 127:3). They are entrusted to their parents and God holds the parents responsible for how they raise their children (Proverbs 22:6). This includes the education of children (Deuteronomy 6:5-7). Even if a parent allows someone else to educate their child, the parents are still responsible for what their child is taught.


First Baptist Christian School does not assume the role of the parent. We work together with you for the education of your child. Neither do we seek to replace the Church. In order for a child to receive a well-rounded Christian education; the Church, the Home, and the School must work together with the same goal in mind.


We do not consider our school to be in competition with the public schools. In a few instances we sympathize with there predicament. However, it is our desire to be of service to people who have a Biblical philosophy and scriptural concern for the education and welfare of their children. We not only want to teach the traditional academic subjects, but also instruct one in how to live so as to please God.


Statement of Faith

FBCS is a ministry of First Baptist Church- Haltom City. It is the educational arm of that Church. We are an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, premillennial, Bible believing, Baptist Church. Without apology, FBCS holds to the Statement of Faith of our Church.

All members of the faculty are born again Christians and are members in good standing of the Church. All personnel are qualified for the ministry of teaching.

A brief summary of our Statement of Faith is as follows:

“The divine inspiration of the Scriptures, the triune God, the fallen nature of man and his just condemnation, salvation by grace through faith - the free gift of God, the necessity of repentance and faith wrought by the Holy Spirit, the glorious display of God’s purpose and grace, the progressive work of sanctification, the keeping power of God, the harmony of the law and the Gospel, the prominence of the local and visible church, baptism by immersion and the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, the devout observance of the first day of the week, the honoring of civil government, the resurrection of the righteous to life and the wicked to damnation, and the personal imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”


Student Code of Conduct

Psalm 101:2, “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way.”

Any Christian school must provide an environment conducive to the spiritual growth and development of its young people. We believe that Christian students should avoid practices which cause the loss of sensitivity to the spiritual needs of the world and loss of the Christian’s physical, mental, or spiritual well-being (Romans 12:1-2). This sense of the need for spiritual growth has led First Baptist Christian School to adopt the following general guidelines for the conduct of our students:

  1. Students are expected at all times to use language becoming and appropriate for a Christian. When speaking to adults, students should always use, “Yes, sir,” “No, sir,” “Yes, Ma’am,” “No, ma’am.” Profanity, offensive slang, and lying will not be tolerated.
  2. Faculty and all adult visitors are to be treated with proper respect. Disrespectful words, attitudes and gestures can be cause for suspension.
  3. No student is allowed to use any form of tobacco or alcoholic beverage at any time on or off campus.
  4. Students are to respect the rights and property of other students.
  5. Students are requested to take responsibility in their school by picking up all materials on the floor and placing the waste in proper containers.
  6. Stealing and cheating are considered very serious and will subject the student to the possibility of immediate dismissal.
  7. Fighting, hatred, dancing, gambling, envy, and gossip are biblically wrong and are to be avoided.
  8. Mutilation and destruction of property will be severely dealt with and costs will be charged to students financial account. Our buildings and equipment must be cared for.
  9. Physical contact between boys and girls is strictly forbidden. Hand holding, embracing or other physical contact which would contribute to undue familiarity will not be tolerated at any school function.
  10. Any student possessing or making pretense of using, possessing, or encouraging others to use illegal narcotics or possessing any drug paraphernalia during or after school will be subject to suspension from school. Students who willfully withhold knowledge of other students involved in illegal drug related incidents will be subject to the same penalty as students who are directly involved in illegal drug use.
  11. All books brought to school by the student for extracurricular activity are to be approved by the staff. There are a lot of good books that we would encourage students to read, and there are a lot of books that do not bring honor to God and we do not wish to have in our school.
  12. If a student brings a cell phone to school, they must drop it off with their teacher to be stored and will be given back to them at the end of the day. We have had problems with students in the past cheating and causing problems with their phones. If you need to get in touch with your student, please call the school office (817) 281-1076.
  13. Items not to be brought to school include knives, mp3 players, radios, electronics of any kind, toys, and questionable books and magazines.
  14. Students and parents are expected to regularly and faithfully attend church.

We endeavor to train our students to act like young ladies and gentlemen. In an atmosphere of definite and positive Christian standards of conduct, there is an excellent opportunity to develop a strong and stable Christian character.


Dress Code

We strongly believe that boys should look like young men and girls should look like young ladies. For that reason we require that our students wear uniforms and conform to a biblical standard in appearance.




Boys are allowed to wear Kakis or dress pants to school. The dress pants may be navy blue, black, or khaki. Baggy pants will not be allowed. A belt must be worn at all times.

Shirts must be the polo or golf type pullovers with collars. They have to be one solid color with out any design or emblem. They can be any color.

The uniform for Wednesday consists of navy blue dress slacks and a white, oxford dress shirt and tie.

Sweat shirts or big baggy shirts may not be worn in class. Sweat shirts may be worn outside when it is cold. Button up or vested pullover sweaters or zippered jackets can be worn in class. Shirts are not to be worn as sweaters over another shirt.

During P.E., boys in the 4th-12th grades may wear jeans or wind pants and a solid T-shirt.

Low top tennis shoes may be worn, but a pair of dress shoes will be needed for music competition later in the year. Boots are fine unless they are combat boots.

Boys must keep their hair cut above the collar, off the ears and out of the eyes. No spiked hair, chili bowl cuts, tinted or colored hair or other modern fashions. Hair needs to be combed.

Boys are not permitted to wear necklaces or earrings. Any other piercings are also not allowed. Tattoos are not permitted.



Kindergarten through 3rd grade girls may wear a jumper that consists of a pleated skirt from the waist down and a bib. All other grades must wear a skirt and blouse each day. These skirts and jumpers can be navy blue, black, brown or khaki. The best place we have found to buy these is at Levines in the Town Center Mall at I-35 and Seminary Dr. Make sure they are long enough.

The blouses must be the two or three button pullover polo or golf type shirts. These are the loose fitting type and not the form fitting kind. They must be one solid color with no emblems or designs on the shirt. Any color is fine as long as it is a solid color.

The skirts must be pleated or gathered around the waist. Straight skirts are not allowed and neither are slits. There should be enough fullness at the knee to run in it and enough fullness around the hip so that it doesn''t fit or conform to the bottom. If the skirt has buttons or snaps up the front or side, it needs to sewed below the bottom button or snap. Sheer material of any kind is not acceptable. The skirts and jumpers must extend at least 2 inches below the knee when sitting and standing. If there is any doubt, bring the skirt by the office and get it approved.

On Wednesday, the girls must wear a navy blue jumper or skirt (depending on grade) and a white Oxford-type button up blouse.

School approved culottes are needed for the older girls in PE. These must look like a skirt in front and back. Care should be taken to make sure that the PE shirt is either a loose fitting blouse or a solid, loose fitting T-shirt.

Socks or hose must be worn every day. Tennis shoes are acceptable as long as they do not have high tops. A pair of nice dress shoes will be needed when we go to music competition. Flip flops in any variation are not acceptable.

During the winter, button up or vested pull-over sweaters or zippered jackets can be worn in class. Sweat shirts are only accepted during PE.

Good grooming is very important. Modern or outlandish hair styles are not acceptable. This includes hair coloring. Earrings may be worn but they must be in the earlobe with a maximum of two in each ear. NO other piercings are allowed. Tattoos are not allowed.



Schedule of Services

Sunday School..................10:00 AM
Morning Worship................11:00 AM
Evening Worship.................6:00 PM

Mid-Week Worship................7:30 PM

Soul-Winning and Visitation.....7:00 PM


Church Location

5800 Denton Hwy.
Haltom City, TX USA 76148
+1 817-281-5106

School Location

5825 Whitley Road.
Haltom City, TX 76148
+1 817-281-1076